English - Italiano

During the first semester of the academic year 2024-25, I am teaching part of the theoretical and laboratory lessons for the course "Calcolo Numerico 1 e Laboratorio" (Numerical Analysis 1 with Programming Lab) of the Laurea Triennale in Matematica (Bachelor's degree in Mathematics); the teaching material will be shared through the Department of Mathematics' eLearning platform.

During the second semester, I will teach the theoretical and laboratory lessons for the course "Calcolo Numerico" (Numerical Analysis) for students with last names M-Z of the Laurea Triennale in Informatica (Bachelor's degree in Computer Science).

If you are a student interested in writing a thesis (either a survey or research oriented) on topics in Linear Algebra or Dynamical Systems, with an emphasis on theoretical and/or computational aspects depending on your interests, I invite you to contact me via email.